Gadget Guru Ganesha Cartoon Characters Name List

Zee5 airs the Hindi animated series Gadget Guru Ganesha. This serial’s best feature is that it is accessible to both adults and children. The focus of the series is on a group of clever youngsters and their Dadaji and Dadiji. You will enjoy seeing their humorous antics. Ganesha, who turns into a living being and helps a group of children with his innovative gadgets. You will enjoy viewing every episode. Let’s explore the show plot and main characters:

Gadget Guru Ganesha


Eight-year-old Guru and his plush idol Ganesha are best buddies. Together, they invent various tools to aid them in daily life, but they keep getting into problems. It tells the story of a typical Indian family’s travels with their gadget guru, Ganesha, in a slice-of-life fashion.  Kids adore the show’s two main components: gadgets and Lord Ganesh, an idol that lives in almost every Indian home and whom children aspire to be friends with. In addition, they have a large robotic mouse named “Mooshak” that transports Ganesha and the Guru.

List of characters

1. Guru: Eight-year-old Guru is a bright youngster. He is quite passionate in science-related topics. In addition, he enjoys traveling and experiencing new things. He also takes a journey to other locations in India.

2. Nikky: He is one of Guru’s seven-year-old boy’s other friends. He is passionate about Kung Fu and the natural world. This is one of Nikky’s areas of expertise. These two children enjoy excursions and adventures. However, Ganesha causes issues when they are on tour.

3. Ganesha: A miraculous toy is in front of the kids’ house. It resembles Lord Ganesha precisely. He enjoys eating a lot. Like Lord Ganesha, he is a huge fan of Modak. There are parallels between the two. Ganesha tries to impart important life lessons to these children. He also encourages Guru to become more enthusiastic about the topic. This is just lovely.

4. Dadaji: Retired General Garam Singh is another name for him. Along with his spouse, he manages an orphanage at the age of 65. After retiring, he will be working on admirable projects. He is a stunning individual constantly focused on working out to be in good condition. Aside from all this, the younger ones adore his jokes and pranks since they are charming and humorous. For various reasons, he must remain outside of the town; upon his return, he offers the youngsters a large assortment of toys. The kids adore him because of this.

5. Dadiji: Dadiji is referred to as Prema. She is Dadaji’s wife. Dadiji is a wonderful sixty-year-old woman from South India who adores the children and looks after the younger ones well. She is elderly and a gentlewoman. When Dadaji is out of town, she treats the children in the orphanage with the utmost regard.

6. Zukki: At the orphanage, he assists Dadaji and Dadiji. He is from Bihar and is twenty-three years old. He always attempts to get the kids into trouble because he does not love them, but he usually fails. He is a cunning and suspicious individual.

7. Cry Baba: A rich mad scientist living opposite India House. He despises happiness and uses his gadgets to try and make others unhappy. Despite his efforts, he often ends up in tears over trivial matters.

With all these characters, children have grown to love the serial. Take advantage of every episode of this serial. It is flawlessly entertaining in every way.

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